Papers by Philip Hallinger on Problem-based Learning and Simulation:
- Lu, J. F., Hallinger, P., & Showanasai, P. (2014). Simulation-Based Learning in Management Education: A Longitudinal Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Instructional Effectiveness. Journal of Management Development, 33(3) ,218-244. Download
- Showanasai, P., Lu, J.F., & Hallinger, P. (2013). Developing tools for research on school leadership development: An illustrative case of a computer simulation. Journal of Educational Administration, 51(1), 72-91. Download
- Hallinger, P., Lu, J., & Showanasai, P. (2010). Learning to lead organizational change: Assessment of a problem-based simulation in Thailand. Educational Review, 62(4), 467-486. Download
- Hallinger, P. (2007). Preparing managers for action (ch. 1). In Hallinger, P., & Bridges, E. (eds). Problem-based management education: Developing “managers for action.” Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. Download
- Hallinger, P. (2007). Learning to lead change (ch. 8). In Hallinger, P., & Bridges, E. (eds). Problem-based management education: Developing “managers for action.” Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. Download
- Hallinger, P. (2005, April). Integrating learning technologies and problem-based learning: A framework and case study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal. Download
- Hallinger, P., Blackwood, A., & Tannathai, P. (2004). Implementing problem-based learning in Thai higher education: A case study of challenges and strategies. Chulalongkorn Educational Review, 6-20. Download
- Hallinger, P., Crandall, D., & Ng Foo Seong, D. (2001). Making change happen: A simulation for learning to lead change. The Learning Organization. Download
- Hallinger, P. & Kantamara, P. (2001). Learning to lead global changes across cultures: Designing a computer-based simulation for Thai school leaders. Journal of Educational Administration, 39(3), 197-220. Download
- Bridges, E., & Hallinger, P. (1999). The use of cases in problem based learning. The Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 2(2), 4-13.
- Hallinger, P. & Bridges, E. (1997). Problem-based leadership development: Preparing educational leaders for changing times. Journal of School Leadership, 7, 1-15. Download
- Bridges, E. & Hallinger, P. (1997). Using problem-based learning to prepare educational leaders. Peabody Journal of Education, 72(2), 131-146. Download
- Bridges, E. & Hallinger, P. (1996). Problem-based learning in leadership development. New directions in teaching in higher education, 68, 53-62.
- Hallinger, P. & Bridges, E. (1994). Problem-based learning in educational administration: Defining its major features for application. Australian Studies in Educational Administration, 59, 15-24.
- Leithwood, K. & Hallinger, P. (1993). Cognitive perspectives on educational administration. Educational Administration Quarterly, 24(3), 296-301.
- Bridges, E. & Hallinger, P. (1991). Problem-based learning: A promising approach for preparing educational administrators. UCEA Review, 32(3), 3-7.
- Hallinger, P. & McCary, M. (1991). Using a problem-based approach to instructional leadership development. Journal of Staff Development, 12(2), 6-12.