Improving Student Success
Improving School Success (aka ITCOT) is designed to place a knowledge base of information on factors that contribute to effective school learning at the fingertips of school leaders. based on an extensive review of research, this problem-based simulation places the school leader in the position of a principal or school leadership team seeking to improve learning and teaching. The learner has a budget to spend on an improvement strategy that draws from 50 different research-based interventions aimed at improving student achievement in the school.
Underlying the action-oriented approach to school improvement is a theory of organizational change. The learners must not only draw apply research-based interventions, but also do so in a way that is validated by empirical studies of change and school improvement.
The simulation is designed to be used first in an instructional setting. They are not intended as stand-alone products. The demos below do not, therefore, represent the complete product. For more information, please contact Prof. Hallinger. When purchased, each simulation is packaged with:
- a complete instructor’s manual
- an MS PowerPoint presentation
- workshop handouts.
Download Demo
Support Materials for Use with the Improving Student Success Simulation
Sample Improving Student Success PowerPoint handout Download
Papers on Improving School Success
Hallinger, P. & McCary, M. (1991). Using a problem-based approach to instructional leadership development. Journal of Staff Development, 12(2), 6-12.
Hallinger, P. & McCary, M. (1990). Developing the strategic thinking of instructional leaders. Elementary School Journal, 91(2), 90-108. Download